Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Blog #5 friendships

6th hour
Hope Jackson -Reynolds

This poem in my on word there's not much that i can say but the relationships that i have like that is very counted on , i count on that person everyday to pull me through when I'm down.Their is many many times in my life that i fill that i can't get go on but somehow he do it an make sure i let it all out because he don't want me to do something that i will probably regret he's always there for me even when I'm wrong an he'll tell me those kind of thing when I'm wrong or rigth cause i need to know if I'm taking things out of proportion . He helps alot an i thank him.i like this poem cause it put all my words how to thank him.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Moral dilemma in Huck Finn

Hope Reynolds – Jackson
Mr. Hughes
English 10 6th hour
31 October 2007
Moral dilemma in Huck Finn
In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Huck faces a number of moral dilemmas which reveal much about his character.

The moral dilemma that Huck talks about is when he was think about giving up Jim as a run away slave. Hucks start to think about should he give up Jim but then he start to think that he will be wrong for giving him up he thinking like what did Jim do to him. “They went off, and I got abroad the raft, felling bad and low, because I knowed very well I had done wrong, and I see it warn’t no use for me to try to learn to do the right; a body that don’t get started right when he’s little ain’t got no show -when the pinch comes there ain’t nothing to back him up and keep him to his work, and so he gets beat. Then I thought a minute, and says to myself better than what you do now? No, says I, I’d feel bad –I’d fell just the same way I do now. Well, then says I, what the use you learning to do right, when it’s troublesome to do right and ain’t no trouble to do wrong, and the wages is just the same? I was stuck. I couldn’t answer that. So I reckoned I wouldn’t bother no more about it, but after this always do whichever come handiest at the time.”

Huck did the wrong thing by thinking about giving Jim up I was really surprise by it because that’s not the kind of person Huck is a snitch besides he shouldn’t think that way especially when Jim didn’t go busting out and telling people that that Huck’s still alive and he faked his own death, either way they both will get in trouble because of the account of Jim’s a run away and Huck fake his own death.

Huck was wrong thinking like that he consider that Jim wants to look after him cause somebody wouldn’t Huck can learn a lot by Jim and Jim can learn a lot by Huck and they still are.Huck and Jim is building a wonderful and strong relationship, Huck shouldn’t be the one to break it.

Huck Finn Reader Response#3(ch.14-ch.18)

Grangerford house impresses Huck by “it was a mighty nice family and a mighty nice house, too. I hadn’t seen any house out in the county before that was so nice and had so much style. It didn’t have an iron latch on the e front door, nor a wooden one with a buskin string, but a brass knob to turn, the same as houses in town more to it” (chap. 17, pg.75, par 5).I think that Huck view now is that he see a family that is wealthy and that what kind of family he should have.

I think that they was special because they was mostly related to him like the one when the dad left with no reason why like his father, and like the one when they build a friendship like Huck and Jim I’m going to say what’s Huck and Twain view upon the education is that even though Huck was raised In a poor neighborhood but he was still educated by Widow Douglas. And he took that experience with him (chap. 17, pg.76, par.3).

The young girl was obsessed with death she draw about death she read about death her hole scrapbook was all death. To me the girl was completely unsure about what to do who she was and why she was put here. This picture was made from this little girl with 6 arms all going three different directions I thinks she (twain) meant this by that she has to be pick a pathway cause she doesn’t know which way to go should she just give up, should she get help or should she go but she died so she didn’t get a chance to pick what path she wants (cha.17pg.77, par.1). I think that Huck was touch because he probably felt the exact same way as she did she was or because this girl had such beautiful home but she was terrible unhappy.

Reading Response 2 Huck Finn (7-13)

Huck Finn was influence in many ways by different people: Tom Sawyer, Window Douglas, Pap, Jim, negative or positive ways.

Tom Sawyer has a positive influence on Huck. Sawyer is a leader to him (chap.13p.50-51) when Huck realize that when he came upon something that Tom Sawyer would do not really a quote, but when Huck and Jim was sneaking on the boat and then sneaking listing to the murders that was on the ship. He was thinking that this would be something that Tom Sawyer would do Huck analyze him.

Widow Douglas has a positive influence on Huck Finn. I really don’t know the chapter or it’s page number it was on when the window tell and help Huck a lot she teaches him a lot of things like bad luck, don’t always take give sometimes, mostly she gives him advise an he took one that we know of upon himself instead of always getting the money that he was getting from the Judge, he made a deal to give his money up to him.

Pap is really a negative influence on Huck .Although Huck thinks about him, Pap drinks, talk racism although many others probably have done it cuss take his anger that he has on his self on Huck .I can prove all of these things all in one chapter (chap.6pg.19-22).Pap starts drink under the influence that his son is there in the room with him, he’s trying to kill him starts to cuss about this black man cause he was also voting although Pap was drunk.

Jim has a positive influence on to Huck. (Chap.10pg.39-40) when Huck tried to play a prank on Jim by putting a dead rattle snake in Jim’s blanket although that was bad on Huck , Jim’s got bit by the snakes mate to me when Jim took control of that accident , to me Jim was teaching Huck how to take care of your self .

Huck had many positive influences, although he only had one bad influence they were always going to be remembered by Huck Finn.

Huck Finn Reader Response :( 1-6)

Huck Finn Reader Response :( 1-6)

Racism –
It a long quote but I’m going to put it in my own words (chapter 6,p.20-21, par.2 )when pap was talking about that he’ll never vote again because he was drunk but he was getting upset because they was letting black’s vote .

To me everyone has their own opinions but, everyone should have their own equal rights no matter what race you or culture you have. No body didn’t tell Pap that he couldn’t vote, because he was a bad father. A drunken man or poor. But he can judge someone for their color and the way they dress, that was wrong. We see these types of things daily no matter what race we are Indian, Chinese, Japans, White, Blacks, and Arabs. And it’s wrong.

I believe Mark Twain put pap as this type of character because he couldn’t say it because what dose it like when a intelligent person says that kind of thing .this relate to everyone life including him.